References: Books | Exhibitions | Awards | Speeches | Memberships | Judged Contests | Magazine Publications | Special Features | Other
Published Books
Rico Besserdich has published the following books.
Song of Silence – A Book About Water
A visual-philosophic journey into the beauty and importance of the element that unites all living beings on Planet Earth, water.
30x30cm, Hard Cover, 132 pages, 104 photographs, 97 text contributions, English. ISBN: 978-605-82119-0-2
Underwater Photography I (basic)
The official book for the underwater photography specialty course. DIWA, Diving Instructor World Association.
Underwater Photography II (advanced)
The official book for the underwater photography specialty course. DIWA, Diving Instructor World Association.
Rico Besserdich’s work has been published in the following art exhibitions. The list displays solo, shared, and curated exhibitions.
- “Song of Silence” (solo), Body Mind Spirit Festival, Oslo/Norway, November 2018
- “Aquatic Imaging & Reality Fractions” (Exhibition Curator), Havagazi Culture Center, Izmir/Turkey, March 2019
- “Song of Silence meets Seeds of Silence” (solo), Norsk TaiJi Center, Oslo/Norway, December 2018
- “Aquatic Imaging” (Exhibition Curator), Digital Photography & Printing Expo, Izmir/Turkey, April 2018
- “Aquatic Visions” (solo), 15th International Marmara Image Festival, Turkey, September 2015
- “Water Arts” (shared), 2nd International Photography Days, Turkey, October 2013
- “The Underwater World of Rico Besserdich” (solo), ScubaCam Image Festival, Slovakia, March 2012
- “Underwater Worlds” (shared), 1st International Photography Days, Turkey, October 2011
- “Mavi Mystique II” (solo), Kas/Antalya/Turkey, October 2010
- “Mavi Mystique I” (solo), Society of Photography Fine Arts, Izmir/Turkey, May 2010

Rico Besserdich’s work has won the following awards and accolades.
- DIWA Award 2015 (best photographer)
- World Champion of Underwater Photography 2011/12 – UwP
- “Best Black&White Underwater Photographs of all Times” – Edition Fifty Fathoms
- “Finalist 2012” – The OPEN of Photography
- Merit for Excellence Award 2013 – Ocean Geographic Society
- University Award – 9. Eyluel University, Faculty of Fine Arts
- Gold medal 2010, category “macro” – UwP

Speeches & Presentations
Rico Besserdich has provided various speeches and presentations at a large number of international organizations, institutions, and trade shows. The list below displays only a fraction of Rico’s +30 performed speeches over a decade. If you would like to have Rico Besserdich as a speaker at your event, please kindly use the contact form to get in touch.
- “Water – Source of all Life” – Riksdagen (Swedish Parliament), Nov. 2017, Stockholm/Sweden
- “Song of Silence – The Journey of an Aquatic Imaging Artist” – Nobel Museum, 2017, Sweden
- “Water, Life & Pablo Neruda” – Embassy of Chile, 2017, Stockholm/Sweden
- “The magic of underwater photography” – Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Fine Arts
- “Song of Silence, A Mission for Water”, ADEX Show 2018, Singapore
- ”Arts & Underwater Photography” – ADEX Show 2016, Singapore
- “The art of uw photography” – International Photography Days 2011, Turkey
- “Mindset Development for Underwater Photographers – EUDI Show 2014, Italy
- “Aquatic Photography Arts” – International Photography Days 2013, Turkey
- “Art, Culture & Water” (expert round, symposium) – BOOT Show 2015, Germany
- Rico Besserdich’s 6 Points Concept to successful UW Photographs, Marmara Festival 2015, Istanbul
- “The Photographer’s Eye” – DEMA Show 2015, Orlando/USA
- “Ambient Light Underwater Photography” – DEMA Show 2015, Orlando/USA
- ”Mindset Development for Underwater Photographers” – ADEX Show 2016, Singapore
- Aquatic Imaging – A Mission for Water, Izmir Photography Trade Fair, April 2018
- Aquatic Imaging – A Mission for Water, Izmir Photography Trade Fair, April 2018

Rico Besserdich is a proud member of the following institutions/organizations.
- British Society of Underwater Photographers
- Izmir Society of Photography Fine Arts
- Turkish Association of Fine Arts Photographers
- OCEANUS Marine Research Group
- International Association of Dive Professionals

Judged Contests
Rico Besserdich served as a judge at the following international photography competitions.
- SIENA International Photography Awards 2017 (judge)
- OASIS International Wildlife & Nature Photography Contest (judge + chief judge of the category “underwater”)
- MISS MERMAID USA International Underwater Model Contest (head of judges)
- ADEX 2016 ‘Voice of the Ocean Photography & Arts Contest’ (judge)
- AFAD International Fine Arts Photography Competition (judge)
- – International (annual judge)
- EUDI PHOTO Contest – Italy (judge + name-giver of the “Rico Besserdich Creative Photography Award”)
- ScubaCam Nature & Wildlife Festival & Contest – Slovakia (judge)
- MYSHOT 2017 by X-RAY Mag & Scubaportal (judge)

Magazine Publications
Rico Besserdich’s images and photography-related articles were published in various international magazines, books, and leading newspapers. The list below displays only a few examples out of his 250+ published articles.
- “The Fibonacci Numbers in Photography” – XRAY Magazine
- “The Dakota airplane wreck in Turkey” – THE TIMES, United Kingdom
- “Composition in Underwater Photography” (ongoing knowledge series since 01/2011) – DIVEMASTER magazine, Germany
- “Underwater Black&White Photography”
72&rising magazine, Australia - “Mindset Development for Underwater Photographers” – THE Sub2O magazine
- “Marine Conservation in China”
72&rising magazine, Australia
- “Corals – Forests of the Sea”
- “Photographing common subjects in a different way”
inFocus magazine, United Kingdom
- “Compiling Portfolios”
X-RAY Magazine - “A fresh approach to underwater photography” – SCUBA DIVER THROUGH THE LENS – Scuba Diver Ocean Planet
- “The Sea is my best Friend – Kurdish Clamfishermen in Turkey”
ASIAN GEOGRAPHIC magazine (Singapore)
- “ULUBURUN – The Oldest Shipwreck of the World”
X-RAY magazine (international), ASIAN DIVER magazine (Singapore), DIVEMASTER magazine (Germany), Submarine magazine (Hungary)

Special Features
Rico Besserdich’s work has been featured in various international special-interest magazines.
- DIVE THE WORLD magazine – International (featured photographer)
- UW360 – Asia (underwater photographer of the month)
- Deniz magazine – Turkey (featured photographer)
- The Equalizer magazine – Egypt (featured photographer)
- 72&rising magazine – Australia (featured photographer)
- UNDERSEA TRAVEL magazine – Korea (featured photographer)
- Balik Dergisi magazine – Turkey (featured photographer)
- NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC online – International (Editor’s choice)
- – International (featured photographer)
- ASIAN DIVER magazine – Singapore (featured photographer)
- SCUBA DIVER TTL – Asia (Special edition “102 inspiring photographers you must know”)
- Milliyet newspaper – Turkey (featured photographer)
- SUBMERGE Magazine – South Africa (featured photographer)
- SCUBA DIVER OCEAN PLANET – Asia (Special Edition “Inspiring Images of Iconic Locations”)

Other accolades, qualifications, and recognitions.
- Workshop leader “Artistic Underwater Photography”, Saar Academy of Fine Arts, Germany
- Special guest at 2018 Nobel Dialogue “Water Matters”, Stockholm
- Curator/Project Leader “Aquatic Imaging” Art exhibition, Izmir Photography trade show
- Expert/Advisor for photography and scuba-diving, Coleman Research Group
- Section editor and senior photography editor, XRAY Magazine
- Editor & curator of “Water Knows”, a photography art book by Sevil Gürel Peker
- CMAS/IAC Scuba Diving Instructor Trainer (M3)
- Facilitator at the “Sustainable Diving Think Tank”, Blue Ocean Network
- Photography Editor – 72&rising Magazine – Australia
- Photo Critic at DPG’s “Photo Lab”
- CMAS Advanced Underwater Photography Instructor
- Licensed boat captain (ICC)
- Technical Advisor – EASYDIVE, underwater photography equipment
- Creator of the scuba-diving specialty courses Underwater Photography 1&2, and Underwater Model – DIWA / Diving Instructor World Association
- Member of the Board of Advisors,
- Curator “Macro Edition” – Edition Fifty Fathoms by Blancpain
- Founder & head of the “photo critics” team,
- Field Photojournalist – ASIAN GEOGRAPHIC magazine
- Contributing photographer & writer for: Divemaster, TAUCHEN, Dykking, Asian Diver, Scuba Diver Through The Lens, Scuba Diver – Ocean Planet, X-RAY Mag, The SUB2o, 72&rising, UwP Mag, UW360, WETPIXEL, Underwater Photography Guide, Asian Geographic